Mahogany Rudolph

Mahogany Rudolph These bandsaw reindeer are just supposed to be fun little give-away projects, quick to build from scraps of inexpensive construction lumber. And the other eight certainly were that.

But I thought the design (not mine) of this guy deserved a better treatment.  After doing one in the cheap wood, I decided I would treat Rudolph here to something better.

I happened to have a piece of nice clear mahogany, bought on spec months ago. Eighteen bucks for what was essentially a 2×4 about 16″ long. Exactly enough for two Rudolphs, in case one didn’t work out.

Which is exactly what happened, as it turns out. On the first one I somehow buy soma in mexico managed to get the front template upside down relative to the side template (they are cut in two different operations). Which meant he looked fine from the front, but most peculiar once you started to rotate him. As in, sturdy antlers and delicate legs, instead of sturdy legs and delicate antlers.  Instead of barrel-chested, he was barrel-headed. Not good.

Anyway, that version’s antlers are soon to be earrings, the rest is in the kindling box.

But Mahogany Rudolph MK II here turned out okay. Took a ton of hand sanding, but he was finally finish-worthy and looks pretty proud of himself…

4 thoughts on “Mahogany Rudolph

  1. Chris Spinchange

    Very Nice. I was checking out your Flickr page the other day and was noticing that you do some really cool work.

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