Top Ten Reasons I’m Releasing an Album

Real soon now, I’ll be unleashing an album of original music onto the world. Or part of the world.  Why, you ask? I’m gonna tell you right now.

The Top Ten Reasons I’m Releasing an Album

10. What’s the point of HAVING an album if you don’t release it?

9. Because I’m just not getting enough failure and rejection.

8. I’m retired. I can do whatever I want.

7. Because if I don’t, then the terrorists win.

6. All the other kids are doing it.

5. Because the world is finally ready for something more creative and challenging than the usual fare. Hahaaa, just kidding…

4. It’s my best shot at getting on American Idol. (Yeah, I know, screw Canadian Idol.)

3. Because there’s just not enough music out there.

2. It’s always been my dream to be pirated. Or a pirate.

And the number one reason I’m releasing an album:

1. One word — GROUPIES

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6 Responses to Top Ten Reasons I’m Releasing an Album

  1. Adrian Woodworth says:

    Cool! I can’t wait to dust off the record player and give her a spin. Do you know where I can pick up a new stylus? Mine is bent.


    • admin says:

      haha! I have a crapload of vinyl if you ever get the ol’ Victrola fired up… but I submit that a collection of songs, like a collection of photos, can still be an album. It’s an album on CD, instead of an album on vinyl, an LP. And vinyl’s coming back, in some circles… Thanks for stopping by!

      • Qrystal says:

        In some circles, vinyl’s never been gone. There’s supposedly a superiority of analog sound over digital.

        That’s not to say I won’t buy your album… but I’d have to be able to preview it first. 🙂

        • admin says:

          The supposed superiority of analog over digital (or vice versa!) is still being debated, I think, and there’s compelling arguments to be made on both sides… my CD used digital sound sources recorded on analog equipment, so it’s kind of a hybrid I suppose… thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Max von Mayerling says:

    Exxxxxcellent! One please.

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