Author Archives: admin

Oh Cruel Ice Storm (April 12, 2013)

Oh cruel ice storm,
Your brittle rain of terror
must finally end.

A late season blast of wintry weather in Southern Ontario manifested as freezing rain and ice pellets in many areas. We lost power for about three hours in the middle of the night, so it could have been worse.

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Oh Cruel Ice Storm

Ice Storm: Tree of Ice

Ice Storm: Frozen Feeder

Ice Storm: Icy Chipmunk

Ice Storm: Garden of Earthly Delights

Ice Storm: Arbour Drips

Ice Storm: Lattice Drips

Ice Storm: To Scrape or Not To Scrape

Ice Storm: Hose Drips

Bowl From 2009

Bowl From 2009, originally uploaded by rgdaniel.

(click photo to view larger on Flickr)
In November 2009 I took some private instruction on the lathe from local wood turner Larry Cluchey. I started a bowl from green wood that day, then sealed it up and put it away for "a few months" to wait for it to dry. Today I dug it out and finished it. I don’t recall what type of wood this is, but it would have been something from his property, nothing exotic.

Lacewood and Maple Bowl

Lacewood and Maple Bowl
(click photo to view larger on Flickr)
I just made this sturdy little bowl from a sandwich of Lacewood and Maple, from the same stock as the two recent grinders. It’s about three inches tall, and just under 5 inches across at the equator.

Three-Drawer Jewelry Box

This is a 3-drawer box I just made, mostly walnut with figured maple drawer fronts.

3-Drawer Walnut Box

It’s about 8 inches tall, 6 inches wide, 5 inches deep. (My hand is shown for scale.)

3-Drawer Walnut Box

The design is from The Box Builder’s Handbook by A.J.Hamler, which I more or less stuck to in this case. I was happy I could incorporate the sapwood of the walnut (the lighter parts) in a pleasing way.

3-Drawer Walnut Box

I will probably add flocking to the drawer bottoms, but otherwise it’s done. So what’s next?

R.I.P. George and Martha

Lynda reports this morning that our Reeves pheasants, George and Martha, were found dead in their cage. I haven’t been down to see them yet, but it sounds like they met the same fate as befell Corny and Cornelia, the Lady Amherst pheasants who were killed last August. We figured it was a weasel at that time, but we’re not really sure.


Reeves pheasants have been described as “pugnacious”, and George was no exception. He was always pacing back and forth at the perimeter of his cage, ready to offer a sharp peck to the nose of any canine who got too sniffy. Which they did on an almost daily basis.

Long Pine Office Table

Here’s a look at the long pine table made of Eastern White Pine that I made for Lynda’s office. She was going to buy some cheap IKEA crap, but as I joked at the time, I felt I had the both the tools and the know-how to make our own cheap IKEA crap. Only not as cheap. And it doesn’t come apart for shipping in flat boxes. It’s had 3 coats of Wipe-on Poly (5 on the top) and some paste wax to shine it up a bit. It’s not perfect, but it turned out pretty well I think!

Pine Table - Finished!
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