Frog Meets Snake, Dog Meets Fence

While we were working on a willow fence out back by the pond today, Lynda spotted a snake in the pond. Soon after I declared that our frogs were too big for that snake, the snake must have taken that as a challenge because he got a frog by his presumably delicious frog’s leg. (Tastes like chicken?) He held on long enough for me to run (okay, walk briskly) inside to get my camera.

Frog and Snake 2

Frog and Snake 1

Just as I was despairing about the cruelty of the universe and/or realizing it’s all part of Nature’s Grand Pageant / Life’s Rich Tapestry, a burst of violent, valiant thrashing about and the frog was free! He fled to the middle of the pond and hung there, looking a bit blue in the face, one leg dangling unnaturally. A nearby tadpole says “Dude, at least you have legs!”

Blue-in-the-Face Frog+Tadpole

Meanwhile, work continued on the first section of our willow fence, meant to dissuade Cody from tearing up the scenery where I worked so hard to get grass growing again. If he can confine his mad dashes to the wood-chip path, we’ll all be happy. We do love to watch him run.

Cody and Willow Fence

Willow Fence (detail)