New Camera Walkabout

I finally pulled the trigger on buying a dSLR the other day, a Canon EOS Rebel T3i / 600D and today I took it out for a brief spin around the yard. The objective was just to get comfortable with it, and just walk through the process of shooting and downloading using the new software. I shot on the fully Auto mode for now, just to see how it would perform, and I think it did very well. Conditions, mind you, were pretty favourable: nice even light, no harsh contrasts for the AI to get confused over…

New Camera Walkabout - Lynda
Before heading out for my little walkabout, I tried out the camera on my lovely wife Lynda, who did not let us down, and vice versa I think…

New Camera Walkabout - Muskoka Chairs
The Muskoka chairs I made last summer have survived their first winter. They have a diluted coat of spar varnish on them, so that helped.

New Camera Walkabout - Kitsch Island
Silver likes to cross over to Kitsch Island in pursuit of the Mallards that often drop in to hunt our few remaining goldfish.

New Camera Walkabout - Wooden Chairs
An earlier pair of outdoor chairs I made in 2009, now recovering from their second winter… nicely grey now… no varnish on these…

New Camera Walkabout - Flagstones
The moss is well established now between the flagstones of our front walk. Most of the heaving from the winter has settled down.

New Camera Walkabout - Boot planter
It’s a boot. It’s a planter. It’s a mashup.

New Camera Walkabout - Silver
♫ I always feel like… somebody’s watching me ♫

New Camera Walkabout - Rodent Damage
New Camera Walkabout  - More Rodent Damage
During this past winter, there was a presistent snow cover on the front lawn, from the blower and just in general. Some rodents, voles we think, tore up the lawn pretty good under there.

New Camera Walkabout - Patrick
Patrick the gnome has no legs. Every year he seems to be a little deeper in the ground. So it goes.

New Camera Walkabout - George
Our male Reeves Pheasant, named George. George Reeves. As pheasants go, he’s super, man.

New Camera Walkabout - Rockpile
Remnants of some project, I’m not even sure now, that we piled up here with an eye towards maybe using them to firm-up the banks of the pond, which tend to erode… The chairs are old, came with the house…. definitely not for sitting, they hold potted plants in summer…