My Bad-ass Cane

My Bad-ass Cane, originally uploaded by rgdaniel.

I recently slipped on the ice in our driveway while taking the dogs out for a walk. Lying there in the snow, I wondered if *I* would ever walk again. I had to crawl through the fresh powder (covering the ice) to reach a doorknob to help pull myself upright, and hobble in agony back into the house. Let’s not even TALK about negotiating the stairs.

But that was a couple of days ago, and now I have this very bad-ass walking cane. It’s a bit of a mystery, we’re not quite sure where it came from or what its story is, but for now, its story is that it helps me stay upright for short periods of time.

I’m doing a very good cranky-old-geezer impression, waving it around and making demands. Nobody much listens, but it does make me feel better. A little.

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